How To Fix Windows Update ‘0x80070643’ Error Code


We may occasionally encounter an error during the installation of any programme or application. The error code displayed here is 0x80070643. Many users have expressed their dissatisfaction with this problem, which causes the installation procedure to stay unfinished.

So in this article, we’ll talk about the error code 0x80070643, which prevents applications and programmes from being installed. When Windows is updating its software, this error message appears on the screen.

Windows updates aren’t affected by the problem 0x80070643, however the installation procedure is affected. As a result, the programmes and applications cannot be correctly installed.


Error number 0x80070643 is caused by the presence of files from a prior anti-virus programme that should have been erased from the user’s machine. The error code 0x80070643 can be caused by a number of different things.

As a result, we’ve come up with a few fixes for error code 0x80070643, and we’re confident that at least one of those fixes will be of use to the user.

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0x80070643 Windows Update Error on Windows 10

Hopefully, this information will help you better understand why Windows Update Error Code 0x80070643 occurs. To fix Windows Update Error 0x80070643, follow these steps. Every feasible scenario has been taken into account when writing these answers.

The reader should not give up in the event that he or she cannot find a solution to the Windows Update Error Code 0x80070643 the first time they try it. Starting with the fixes for Windows Update Error Code 0x80070643, we can proceed.

1. Restarting Your Computer

In order to fix the Windows Update Error Code 0x80070643, the first thing that the user needs to do is restart the device they intend to use. This is the simplest and most effective way to fix the Windows Update Error Code 0x80070643.

It is common for a solution to a problem, especially one of this nature, to be a lengthy one. However, people often overlook the simplest step, which is restarting the computer or laptop that the user will be using.

When it comes to any kind of problem, whether it’s Windows Update Error Code 0x80070643 or anything else, it’s always best to restart the computer.

After the restart, the user should check to see if the programme has been installed anew. Occasionally, a computer software requires that the system be restarted before it can function normally.

That being the case, if restarting your computer solves the problem of 0x80070643 Windows Update Error, then proceed with the task. Otherwise, there are many more measures to be taken.

2. Antivirus Software 

Occasionally, Error Code 0x80070643 is triggered by a conflict between the user’s antivirus software and some other Windows update the user is attempting to install. There are times when the antivirus application may need to be temporarily disabled, and the user should be aware of this.

Here are the instructions for disabling the system’s anti-virus software. If you simply follow the instructions, you will be able to fix Error Code 0x8007064.

Step 1: To get started, we need to pick an antivirus programme first. When you right-click on the Antivirus Software icon, you can accomplish this. On Windows, the icon can be found in the list of installed programmes.

Step 2: After clicking on the antivirus programme icon, a choice of options will be displayed. Disable must be clicked by the user. Selecting a time frame is the third step. Depending on the preferences of the user, this time period will be set. Antivirus protection will be disabled during this time.

Step 3: At least 15 to 30 minutes are often required for this step. Finally, the user must start the Windows Defender to complete this step.

Windows Defender’s warning and Error Code 0x8007064 should be noted by the user during Step 6.

You can now move on to the next step if the problem with Error Code 0x80070643 has been resolved. Because if they don’t, they’ll have to hold on to their patience and keep trying.

3. Install the Most Recent Version of the.NET Framework 

When it comes to installing system upgrades, The.Net Framework is a critical component of the overall process. There are times when the user’s PC has a corrupted version of the.NET Framework installed. There is also a possibility that the user’s computer does not have the.Net Framework installed.

As a result, the user is urged to obtain the most recent version of the.NET Framework. If the user prefers, he or she can download and install it directly from Microsoft on their own computer.

Installing the most recent version of the.Net Framework is as simple as following the procedures listed below.

Step 1: We must first visit the official Microsoft.Net Framework site before we can proceed. Our next step is to select the most recent.Net Framework release from the drop-down menu that appears.

Step 2: Once the installation of the latest version of The.Net Framework is complete, the user can also download older versions of The.Net Framework.

Step 3: Following the successful download of the file, the user will be presented with a set of on-screen instructions. The user must comply with the directions in this regard. Be careful while starting any operation, because a single mistake can result in the entire download being halted.

Windows Update must be run again when the installation is complete. The user should check to see if the system updates can be installed at this point in time or not.

Error Code 0x80070643 can be fixed by following the above-mentioned methods, and if not, there is no need to worry about other remedies that have yet to be implemented.

4. Restarting the Windows Installer Service on Your PC 

It’s not a new problem that the Windows Installer service has been plagued with incorrect settings. In many cases, the Error Code 0x8007064 is thought to be a direct result of this behaviour. We must restart the Windows Installer Service in order to fix this problem of Error Code 0x80070643.

If the Windows Installer Service needs to be restarted, follow these procedures.

Step 1: Windows key + R simultaneously is essential to commence process in Step 1. The Run Box will show on the screen after we complete step 1.

Step 2: Type’services.msc’ into the search box. Press the Enter key to continue the process. Entering the Services window will achieve this.

Step 3: We now have a plethora of options to consider. The Windows Installer must be selected from this list. Select the Restart option in.

Check to see if the error code 0x80070643 has been resolved.

If the problem with Error Code 0x80070643 has been resolved by following the procedures listed above, then you can go with your job. Because if they don’t, they’ll have to hold on to their patience and keep trying.

5. Windows Defender

Manually updating the Windows Defender on the user’s computer is the next step in resolving Error Code 0x80070643. Here are the steps that a user can follow to manually upgrade Windows Defender:

Step 1: Press the Windows Key and Q buttons at the same time to begin the process.

Step 2: Open Windows Defender by searching for it and selecting it from the results. We’ll see a variety of alternatives once we’ve entered the Windows Defender. Selecting the “Protection Areas” option is essential.

Step 3: Virus and threat protection must be selected under the Protection Area. Finally, click on the “Virus and threat protection update” option to complete the process.

Step 4: Search for the “Check for Updates” button in Step 6 and click on it. It will take a few minutes to finish this procedure. So please be patient while the installation process is completed in a few minutes.

Step 5: Save all of your modifications. Afterwards, the user will need to restart the machine.

If the problem with Error Code 0x80070643 has been resolved by following the procedures listed above, then you can go with your job. Because if they don’t, they’ll have to hold on to their patience and keep trying.


Another method is possible for carrying out this procedure. All that’s different is that Command Prompt is used in this stage. Windows Defender can be updated on the user’s computer using the Command Prompt by following the instructions listed below:

Step 1: In order to begin, hold down the Windows Key and the X key simultaneously.Go ahead and pick Command Prompt as an administrator.  We must then type “percent PROGRAMFILES percent Windows DefenderMpCmdRun.exe”-Remove Definitions OR “percent PROGRAMFILES percent Windows DefenderMpCmdRun.exe”-SignatureUpdate in the Command Prompt to complete the process. CMD is where you’ll enter these instructions.

Step 3: After inputting each command, press the Enter key. After the command is entered, the system will begin processing. The final step is for the user to exit cmd and restart the computer.

If the problem with Error Code 0x80070643 has been resolved by following the procedures listed above, then you can go with your job. Because if they don’t, they’ll have to hold on to their patience and keep trying.

6. Run Scannow or SFC

There is a possibility that the user’s system has corrupted files. Windows Update will have a hard time installing the updates on the system if there are any issues with the system.

In order to fix this issue, we’ll be using an SFC scanner. One of the primary functions of an SFC scanner is to locate and replace corrupted files. For the Windows Update to work as it did before, this is necessary. Step by step instructions for resolving the issue are provided here.

Step 1: In the beginning, hold down the Windows Key and the X button simultaneously.

Step 2: The user will see a list of the menu options, and they can pick Command Prompt (Admin) from the list. In the Command Prompt, enter “sfc /scannow” and press Enter. Then, press the Enter key to complete the process.

Step 3: It will take some time to complete this step. This is because the scanning procedure will be initiated by the system.  After the scan is complete, the user is encouraged to perform the recommended system upgrades.

If the problem with Error Code 0x80070643 has been resolved by following the procedures listed above, then you can go with your job. Because if they don’t, they’ll have to hold on to their patience and keep trying.

7. Boot Your PC in Clean Mode

This is the Clean method. When a user’s system has third-party software installed, the user’s system is typically booted. This third-party software impedes Windows Update’s ability to apply the most recent fixes and enhancements. As a result, resolving the dispute requires

We are forced to perform a clean boot because of the third-party software and Windows. Error Code 0x80070643 should no longer be a problem after the computer has been completely wiped clean.

While it is possible that the Error Code 0x80070643 has been removed, the user will need to try the other options in case the Error Code 0x80070643 persists.

8. Use Troubleshooting

In this section, we’ll go through the most obvious and commonplace option. As a result, we’ll go over the procedures we need to do to diagnose and fix Error Code 0x80070643.

Starting the troubleshooting, here are the steps:

Step 1: To begin troubleshooting, pick the Click menu from the Start menu. Next, we’ll go to the click menu and search for “troubleshoot” in the search box.

Step 2: On the next screen, you’ll get a list of possible fixes. Make a selection from the drop-down menu. The Windows Update option is now available in the fourth step.

Step 3: Select the Run the Troubleshooter option from the drop-down menu. There will be a lot of on-screen instructions. It is imperative that the user pay close attention to all of the available options on the screen. The troubleshooting could be cancelled if you make a mistake.

Step 4: Allow Windows Update Troubleshoot to begin after following the on-screen prompts. At this point, the user must restart the computer.

If the Error Code 0x80070643 doesn’t go away after following the instructions outlined above, proceed to the next remedy.

9. Use of The System Restore

The primary function of the System Restore feature is to ensure the stability and correct restoration of the Windows Operating System. It is important to note, however, that all data and personal information will be preserved. The user should also be aware that the system might uninstall certain drivers or programmes.

So, if a user encounters Error Code 0x80070643 when trying to install an update, the user should establish a system restore point before continuing. This will ensure that the Error Code 0x80070643 has been fixed. If that doesn’t work, there are more options.

10. Reset The Windows Update Components

Windows Update components will be reset in this solution. In that case, below are the steps to follow:

Step 1: To begin, we need to hit the Windows Key and X keys together. A Command Prompt window will open as a result of Step 2. (Admin).

Step 2: Afterwards, we’ll type the following commands into the command line:

Wuauserv, cryptSvc, bits, and msiserver can all be stopped by typing “net stop” at the command line.

Step 3: After inputting each command, press the Enter key. Then, run the following command: “net start wuauserv,” “net start cryptSvc,” “net start bits,” and “net start msiserver” to start the Windows Update Services.

Step 4: After you’ve typed each command, hit Enter on your keyboard.  Save all of your modifications.

Restart the computer.

If the Error Code 0x80070643 doesn’t go away after following the instructions outlined above, proceed to the next remedy.

11. Remove Windows Defender Update 

Those who use the Windows 10 operating system are well aware that there is no System Restore option. As a result, it is more challenging for the end-users. In order to fix Error Code 0x80070643, you can uninstall the Windows Defender Update.

Step by step instructions are provided below.

Step 1: Press Windows Key and R at the same time to begin the process. In the second step, the Run window will be displayed. The user will input “appwiz.cpl”.

Step 2: The final step is to press the Enter key. To get to this point, click on “Programs & Features.”  The option to view installed updates can be found on the screen’s left side.

If the problem with Error Code 0x80070643 has been resolved by following the procedures listed above, then you can go with your job. Because if they don’t, they’ll have to hold on to their patience and keep trying.

12. Updating Using Administrative 

There are often system modifications that necessitate the creation of administrative privileges. The user’s system cannot be updated without these special administrative rights.

It’s recommended to follow these actions to fix the problem code 0x80070643.

Step 1: The user must ensure that he or she is logged in to the system they are using. A guest login or any other account with fewer privileges should not be used by the user.

Step 2: Second, in the event that the system belongs to a certain domain, and the user is unaware of that domain, it is necessary for the user to contact the administrator as quickly as possible.

Error Code 0x80070643 can be fixed using the above-mentioned techniques. It’s time to consider your options if none of the others work.

13. Run The SubInACL Tool 

Windows XP and Vista may still be in use by certain people, although they are no longer supported. As a result, it is possible that the system has a bug. The.NET Framework 2.0 will be affected by this problem.

Permission is frequently revoked owing to an access control list error, and this is the most common cause. These issues will eventually conflict with the installation of some programmes.

The SubInACL utility is used to solve the issue. In order to fix the problem, this application fixes broken or damaged files and provides necessary Registry access for MSI-based configurations to run.

As a result, here are the steps that must be followed:

Step 1: Downloading the SubInACL tool is the first step. Next, set up the SubInACL on your computer. Installing SubInACL to the following location is step three. Tools from the Windows Resource Kit

Step 2: The user must locate the file and paste the code into a text editor such as Notepad before continuing. Select the File option in order to save the document. Select the Save As option from the drop-down menu.

Step 3: Save the file as reset.cmd and save it somewhere safe. All files should be selected as the file type for this step. Right-click on the script and select it. Select the Run as administrator option.  The process of resetting the reset will take some time to finish.

cmd command.

Error Code 0x8007064 can be fixed by following the procedures outlined above.

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We’ve learned a lot about Error Code 0x80070643 thanks to this article. We began the essay by outlining the origins of the error, and then went over each of the solutions one by one. Readers who encounter Error Code 0x80070643 will find the remedies helpful.

All of the possible causes of Error Code 0x80070643 are addressed in the remedies. If you’re seeking to fix an issue with Error Code 0x80070643, we hope that this article will be a helpful resource for you.